Facial Enhancement (Elixir Acu-lift) Elixir Acu-lift treatment is a painless, non-surgical method of reducing the signs of aging. Beauty Acupuncture reduces fine lines and eliminates deep wrinkles, bags, puffiness, and drooping eyelids. Brow lines, double chins and jagging jowls are lifted, discoloration and acne improves, excess fluids are purged and metabolism increases. It increases the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the face in order to reduce visible signs of aging bringing a youthful glow to the face. Collagen production is increased and skin fibers are strengthened, facial muscles plumped and puffiness reduced around the eyes.With Elixir Acu-lift, the body regenerates itself by accelerating anti-inflammatory activity and releasing accumulative toxins from the skin. Energy and blood flow throughout the facial skin and muscles is stimulated by the application of needles to key points and areas on the face, head and body.
The only beauty/facial cosmetic acupuncture treatment of its kind. Elixir Acu-lift triggers a cascade of crucial healing processes for facial rejuvenation, from increased oxygen flow to the release of powerful anti-inflammatory agents and collagen production to activate the skin and its ability to regenerate. This is a highly specialised treatment to stimulate skin’s self-repairing mechanisms encouraging production of collagen and elastin and enhance skin natural hydration and nutritional levels. According to a recent study up to 90% of people having the treatment had noticeable results on reduction of fine lines, plumpness, elasticity and firmness of their skin.
During your treatment at our Bodywerks clinic in Limassol Cyprus, you will receive a facial shiatsu / acupressure and cupping massage to diagnose structural and pathological issues and to deliver muscular release, energy flow and circulation toning the facial contour and improving skin resilience. The ‘facial bodywork’ aims to plump the skin, release muscular tension, reduce puffiness and fluid retention, promoting lymph drainage, and encouraging a healthy, youthful glow.
Duration: 60 mins with Dr. Monica Talebnia
Half Face: €40
Full Face: €75
Discounted packages are available and recommended
Call: +357 25 95 4014
Email: BodywerksCyprus@gmail.com
Or contact Dr. Monica and her associates for more information or to book your appointment.
Women and men, of all ages and ethnic backgrounds benefit greatly, even if a patient previously had injections or cosmetic surgery.
Each treatment is personalized depending on age and lifestyle. No two people receive the same treatments because each person’s aging process is unique. A diagnosis is reached by examining constitutional health issues and any symptoms you may be having. Thus, as an added benefit, the treatment ends up rejuvenating your health as well as your appearance.
Throughout treatment, other physical symptoms may also improve, such as hormonal balance; graying hair and hair loss. You may notice a better quality of sleep, increased energy, improved digestion and less chronic or recurring pain.
In addition to visible improvements, there’s no recovery time necessary, no chemicals, drugs or side effects.
Are you terrified every time you put on your swimsuit? Do you feel like hiding under a rock at the beach? The worst thing is you are also embarrassed even around your husband or boyfriend, the people that love and know you best. You’ve got to do something about your cellulite problem. Stop hiding and face it once and for all.
Elixir Acu-smooth is a safe, natural way to help eliminate cellulite. Even though cellulite affects your outward appearance, it appears in the deeper layer of your skin. That’s why external treatments like topical creams cannot effectively deal with the problem.
Elixir Acu-smooth deals with cellulite at its source, by nourishing connective skin tissues from within. This is an intensive treatment designed to cleanse and improve circulation, as well as, firm and improve skin tone focusing on problem areas. With the help of acupuncture you will notice smoother feeling legs and a firmer looking appearance in your skin.
Throughout treatment, other physical symptoms may also improve, such as hormonal-balancing issues; and weight loss. You may notice a better quality of sleep, increased energy, improved digestion and less chronic or recurring pain.
What is the procedure?
Elixir Acu-smooth includes insertion of tiny acupuncture needles coupled with microcurrent electro-stimulation, along with deep tissue cupping along with recommended Dr. Monica® Supplements to help with body restoration. On your first visit, you’ll discuss your overall health history, including any physical, mental or emotional issues in your life.
How does it work?
The painless needles inserted affect collagen and elastin production and its dispersal. Collagen is responsible for durability and resilience. Elastin is responsible for elasticity. Cupping eliminates fat-globular storages in the thighs and buttocks while Cosmetic Acupuncture stimulates the body’s natural processes of natural Collagen reproduction and growth.
Who is a candidate for Elixir Acu-smooth?
Women of all ages and ethnic backgrounds benefit greatly, even if a patient previously had injections or cosmetic surgery.
What is the typical treatment course?
Each treatment is personalized depending on age and lifestyle. No two people receive the same treatments because each person’s aging process is unique. A diagnosis is reached by examining constitutional health issues and any symptoms you may be having. Thus, as an added benefit, the treatment ends up rejuvenating your health as well as your appearance.
What are the benefits?
In addition to visible improvements, there’s no recovery time necessary, no chemicals, drugs or side effects.
How many visits will I need?
Typically, some improvement is noticeable immediately and it continues with each session. Generally, the recommended course of treatment is between 7 – 15 sessions, performed 1 – 2 times a week. Each treatment lasts about 45 minutes. After completing a total course of treatment, maintenance sessions are recommended to extend the results. Most doctors suggest coming in about once a month to preserve your youthful appearance and good health.
A combination of dieting and exercise is a good strategy to eliminate cellulite, but cellulite deposits are locked away and cannot be readily used for fuel. This is why Elixir Acu-smooth improves metabolic function by:
- Detoxifies tissues
- Relieves stress
- Promotes elimination of fat and cellulite
- Smooths and firms skin